LEGO Stormtrooper Minifigure MacBook Decal

We believe that every Star Wars fan would never mind the LEGO stormtrooper minifigure standing on your MacBook. You like the MacBook decal? Let’s go on.
LEGO Stormtrooper Minifigure MacBook Decal
The cute LEGO stormtrooper minifig MacBook decal is designed and created by moviemagicman. Although the material of the decal doesn’t mentioned, yet it’s not very important for those who like the cute stormtrooper holding a E-11 blaster rifle.
LEGO Stormtrooper Minifigure MacBook Decal
The MacBook decal is available in two colors, including white and black. Each one is priced at $16 USD. If you like, you can grab one from Etsy.


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