Having a lamp is more or less an essential thing to own in any home,
considering how sometimes harsh lighting could prove to be too hard on
the eyes, and neither does it invoke that kind of romantic mood. A mood
lamp would definitely come in handy to send those lovey dovey feelings
down your spine, and with the $29.99 LED Jellyfish Mood Lamp,
you will definitely have another winner in your proverbial book as it
is not only highly affordable, but it will also be relaxing to watch at.
Mesmerizing, even.
The LED Jellyfish Mood Lamp will feature dancing desktop jellies, where they float around and more or less hypnotize you, as you let the care and concerns of the world slip by you. The LED colors can be changed accordingly to suit your mood at that point in time. Half a dozen LEDs will help get the light show going on, and should you ever run into any issues of your jellies swimming properly, it is time to introduce just a few drops of liquid dish soap to the water, and you’re good to go – the entire thing would then run as a well oiled machine.(Via)
The LED Jellyfish Mood Lamp will feature dancing desktop jellies, where they float around and more or less hypnotize you, as you let the care and concerns of the world slip by you. The LED colors can be changed accordingly to suit your mood at that point in time. Half a dozen LEDs will help get the light show going on, and should you ever run into any issues of your jellies swimming properly, it is time to introduce just a few drops of liquid dish soap to the water, and you’re good to go – the entire thing would then run as a well oiled machine.(Via)
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